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The Second Law of Thermodynamics in Speculative Fiction

The Second Law of Thermodynamics in Speculative Fiction

Entropy as the Ultimate Plot Device

The Second Law of Thermodynamics has significant implications for our view of the universe and has inspired some captivating story narratives. So let’s explore how the Second Law, with its concept of entropy, has been used in popular speculative fiction.

Understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics describes how energy behaves in our universe. In short, it tells us that things naturally tend to become more disordered, or decay, over time. This concept helps us understand many natural processes, and has far-reaching implications for the fate of the universe itself.


Central to the Second Law is the concept of entropy. Entropy is a measure of disorder or randomness in a system. To visualise this, imagine a clean, organised garage (If your garage is like mine, use your imagination). This represents a state of low entropy. You make the effort to tidy it - tools put in their rightful place, ladders hung, bikes together, etc - you get the idea. But over time, without intervention, the garage becomes messy again, representing a state of high entropy. In scientific terms, the more ways you can arrange the particles in a system (like molecules in a gas), the higher the entropy.

Important Aspects of the Second Law

The Second Law of Thermodynamics covers some important stuff.

First, natural processes move toward greater disorder. For example, an ice cube melting in a warm drink increases overall entropy.

Second, once things become disordered, they don’t automatically become ordered again without external input. You will need to tidy your garage again because it won’t do it itself!

Lastly, heat always moves from hot to cold, never the reverse. This unidirectional flow is a fundamental aspect of how energy behaves in our universe.

The Second Law in Speculative Fiction

Whether or not they were aware of it, speculative fiction writers have long been using the implications of the Second Law in their storytelling, using it as a foundation to explore themes of societal decay, energy depletion, and the cyclical nature of civilizations.

Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Series

Asimov’s epic saga uses the concept of entropy as a metaphor for the decline of a galactic civilization. The protagonist, Hari Seldon, predicts the fall of the Galactic Empire using “psychohistory,” mirroring how entropy leads to disorder in thermodynamic systems. This societal decay forms the backdrop of the entire series. Seldon’s Foundation, established to mitigate this decay, reflects efforts to manage entropy and create order from chaos. The series explores how human intervention might alter the course of this seemingly inevitable decline.

The Matrix Trilogy

The Matrix films incorporate themes of energy and entropy into their dystopian future. The machines’ harvesting of human energy reflects unsustainable systems that consume resources without replenishment, a clear nod to the principles of thermodynamics. The choice presented in the films between the harsh reality outside the Matrix and the comfortable illusion within raises questions about confronting entropy and decay. This dichotomy serves as a metaphor for how societies and individuals might respond to the inexorable increase of entropy.

The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin

This award-winning series explores a world plagued by catastrophic geological events, where the ability to control seismic activity is both a gift and a curse. The story follows orogenes, individuals who can manipulate the earth's energy but are often oppressed by society.

The constant threat of natural disasters serves as a metaphor for entropy, representing chaos and disorder in both the environment and society. The characters' struggles against societal decay and their attempts to harness their powers reflect the tension between order and disorder, mirroring the inevitable increase in entropy in their world.

The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King

This epic series follows Roland Deschain, the last gunslinger, on his quest to reach the Dark Tower, which is central to all universes. As Roland travels through various worlds, he encounters different forms of decay and entropy.

The concept of entropy manifests through the deterioration of worlds and civilisations that Roland encounters. The Dark Tower itself represents a stabilising force amidst chaos, while the crumbling landscapes and dying societies illustrate the Second Law's principle that systems tend toward disorder. Roland's journey highlights the struggle against inevitable decay and the quest for meaning in a universe moving toward entropy.

The Second Law as a Narrative Device

Speculative fiction narratives can use the Second Law of Thermodynamics to create compelling conflicts. Characters might fight against entropy, showing how people can be resilient and clever. The law also lets us explore deep thoughts about free will, determinism, and what’s really real.

In world-building, the Second Law can inspire the design of societies or technologies that either struggle against or harness the principles of thermodynamics. It can create some truly one-of-a-kind and mind-blowing story settings. The increase of entropy is like a ticking clock that pushes the story forward and makes it more exciting.

The Second Law has immense metaphorical power in storytelling, despite being rooted in science. It presents a framework for delving into intricate notions surrounding society, technology, and the human condition. By integrating the Second Law of Thermodynamics, speculative fiction stories become more captivating with added scientific authenticity and complexity.

Final Thoughts

The Second Law of Thermodynamics, known for its connection to disorder and energy dissipation, continues to shape and inspire speculative fiction. From the grand scale of galactic empires to the intimate choices of individual characters, this fundamental principle of physics provides a rich foundation for exploring the future and the nature of our universe. As we continue to grapple with issues of sustainability, social order, and the march of time in our own world, the Second Law remains a powerful lens through which speculative fiction can examine these themes.

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